Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Predictable budget control
    1. Contract Security has fixed fees or hourly rates, but no overhead for the actual personnel. In-house security comes with expenses in on-going payroll, benefits, retirement, training, equipment, insurance and licensing. 
  2. Specialized expertise
    1. Our agents are experts with diverse backgrounds and experiences. They stay up to date with the latest security trends and technology, ensuring your security remains on the cutting edge of development. You can tap into our broad range of skills and knowledge without the burden of hiring and training multiple in-house personnel. 
  3. Flexible
    1. We can adjust based on your needs, allowing security resources to scale up or down as required for specific events or evolving threats. 
  4. Reduces Administrative Burden
    1. Our agents are employed and work under our Tennessee Contract Security Firm license and insurance. This means your organization does not have to manage the HR tasks such as licensing (state regulated), insurance (state regulated), hiring, payroll, training, and performance reviews. We ensure our licensing, and the licensing of our agents is up to date. We audit all licenses every month to see which agents need to renew. Ensuring you are always in compliance with state law. 
  5. Focus on your company
    1. By outsourcing your security manager, you and your organization can focus on your core competencies, which will lead to improved efficiency.
    2. In-house security can sometimes divert your organizations attention from its primary mission, especially in times of crisis or uncertainty.
  6. Access to resources
    1. Our agents have their own equipment, sparing your organization the expense of purchasing and maintaining these assets. 
    2. Our firm can provide replacements in our staffing to ensure continuous protection even in situations where an in-house security agent might be unavailable. 
  7. Compliance and Accountability
    1. Grey Protection Solutions has established processes and standards for compliance, reducing the risk of regulatory issues. 
  8. Confidentiality and Neutrality
    1. Our agents, and company as a whole, tend to be seen as more impartial and are not influenced by internal politics and conflicts. We provide a fresh perspective and avoid potential biases present in in-house personnel. 
    2. Your corporate security manager will sign an NDA to not disclose any information, drama, situations or tactics and procedures of your company with anyone outside of his chain of command in the firm, and the company themselves. 
The days of stretch limos and mean looking men in suits are over. 
Our primary goal is to protect our client to the best of our ability. With that said, we do everything we can to do so without drawing unwanted or unneeded attention and limiting the inconvenience that comes with a protection detail as much as possible. Our clients have preferences and lives to maneuver through. Therefore, before we commence with our security plan, we meet with the client to learn what their life looks like and what those preferences are. We then balance that with the amount of protection needed to limit the inconvenience. 
Depending on the threat level of the client, a protection detail could be one low profile agent that loosely follows the client around, a team of low profile agents, or a team of more involved agents that are tighter to the client. Regardless of the situation, they are still free to move and go where they would like. The team will flex to what the client needs and where they are going. 
We do everything we can to not be overbearing by adapting to you while not compromising your safety or security. You can still go where you need to go and do what you need to do, we will accommodate to protect you while you still live your life. 

An example of our Talent Security Liaison solution in action:

During a weekend music event in Nashville, a streaming service has facilitated for multiple artists to do 30 minute sets across 2 days at a local bar turned into a venue. They hired a promotion company to help facilitate putting on the event. The venue security that is used for every day business is contracted through “Security Company A.” The metal detectors and main attendee access control is contracted through “Security Company B.” Some of the artists will have their own security details as well. This means there will be 3 different security teams representing different people and doing different jobs. Grey Protection Solutions is contracted by the promotion company to facilitate security for all artists across all 4 days. We get a general overview of what the event is and who is planned, so far, to perform at the event from the promotion company when we are hired.
We arrive at the venue a week prior with a representative from the promotion company, venue security supervisor as well as the venue general manager. At this first walkthrough, we get a better understanding of how the layout will be changed, flow of the event, entrances and exits, and all other logistics available at that time. We will also gain an understanding of the venue’s security team plan and responsibilities. We then create a general game plan of artist’s arrival and departure locations, primary and alternative routes, green room and stage locations, and emergency protocols. 
We will will then reach out to all of the artist’s management teams. This is where we find out if they will have their own security, if there are any stalkers or persons of interest that need to be relayed to the venue team, and any other concerns that we should know about. We then exchange contact information with their security team (if applicable) and make introductions. 
Once production is set up, if possible, we will do a secondary walkthrough with all layout changes. This ensures that if any part of our plan needs to be changed, we can tackle those as far in advance as possible. We will also be there if any artist security does their walkthroughs to meet and exchange contact information. 

-What will be needed from Grey Protection Solutions-

-  12 Agents to handle:

-  Artist arrival/departure location

-  Along route from arrival/departure location into the venue

-  Back door to the venue (Artist entrance)

-  Green Room

-  Side stage

-  Escort for artist from back of house to stage

-  5 of the agents only responsibility will be moving with the artists anywhere they go from arrival to departure. 

-Game Day-
The event is set to start at 10am with first artist arrival at 9:30am. Our team arrives at 7am and sets up. We will liaise with the promotion company person of contact as well as production and security company A and B to address any audibles that may need to happen. We then walk our entire team through the artist arrival location and plan as well as their individual assignments. Then we will walk the route from arrival to the green room, green room to the stage and back, then from the green room back to the departure location, and the departure process. We get any access cards from venue management and all access credentials from production. We do final checks and move to post. 
All artists arrived, performed, and departed without issue. 8 of the artists had their own security that we were in contact with prior to arrival and throughout the event. When their security arrives, their only responsibility is the artist’s safety and needs. Anything else they can turn to our agents for. Our agent is in contact with the production assistants to know when they are ready for the next artist and knows the routes to get there. We escort them to the stage and back to the green room. Their security notifies us when they are ready to depart and we start the departure process. For the artists that did not have security, we had the same communication but with their manager. The difference being, we are solely responsible for their safety. We escorted 25 artists through public spaces, meeting fans, through crowds, and back to their vehicles without incident. The artists management team and security teams (if applicable) did not have to speak to or deal with venue security at all or navigate the venue by themselves. Therefore, the venue security could focus on their responsibilities, the artist’s team could focus on their client, and we were there to fill in the gap. 

Experts in Executive protection solutions for Nashville and surrounding areas.

Take advantage of our expertise and knowledge to identify risks to your business or employees.  For complex security concerns we offer vulnerability assessment services. We take immense pride in the security service that we provide and have a philosophy of going above and beyond for our clients.


(615) 510-4368

TN License #13907      CAGE Code- 9X8Z1